How to Make a Complaint

We aim to provide excellent service. If you’re dissatisfied, you can complain in writing (letter, fax, or email) or by telephone.

  1. Contact the case handler: First, contact the person working on your case to discuss your concerns. We will do our best to resolve any issues.
  2. Contact the supervisor: If you can’t discuss your concerns with the case handler, or if you’re unsatisfied with their response, contact the person supervising your matter (named in your client care letter).
  3. Contact the Complaints Officer: If you’re still unsatisfied, contact Mihaela Padure, who has overall responsibility for complaints: [email protected].

To help us understand and address your complaint, please provide:

  • Your full name and contact details (preferred contact method).
  • The details of your complaint.
  • The remedy you seek.
  • Your reference number (if known, from the top right of our letters).

How We Will Handle Your Complaint

  1. Acknowledgement: Within 2 working days, we will acknowledge your complaint in writing and provide a copy of this policy.
  2. Investigation: We will investigate your complaint by:
    • Reviewing your complaint.
    • Reviewing your files and relevant documentation.
    • Liaising with the case handler.
  3. Further Information: We may request further information or documents from you.
  4. Updates: We will update you on the progress of your complaint at appropriate times.
  5. Discussion: We may invite you to a meeting or discuss the matter by phone. You are not obligated to attend a meeting.
  6. Resolution: We will write to you at the end of our investigation, explaining what we have done and our proposed resolution, ideally within 21 days of acknowledging your complaint.

If You Are Unsatisfied

  • Legal Ombudsman: If we cannot resolve your complaint within eight weeks, you can contact the Legal Ombudsman. They are an independent body.
    • Complaints must usually be made within six months of our final written response.
    • Complaints must usually be made within one year of the act/omission, or within one year from when you should have known about the grounds for complaint.
    • Contact details:
      • Post: Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH
      • Email: [email protected]
      • Phone: 0300 555 0333 (9:00 – 17:00)
      • Website:
  • Solicitors Regulation Authority: You can raise concerns about our behavior (e.g., mishandling money, unfair treatment) with the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Visit their website for details.


There is no charge for filing a complaint. However, please note that unpaid bills may accrue interest, as explained in our Terms of Business. This does not affect your right to complain.